
Apply for a Global Education Scholarship, and get 50% off the MBA! Only 1 scholarship spot is left in May. Read More.


Communication is an inseparable part of life for all of us. However, to merely communicate and to communicate effectively is not the same.

In today’s world, communicating effectively means having a huge competitive advantage. Being able to send and receive information effectively may make the difference between success and mediocrity. The goal of the course is to provide students with relevant information, knowledge and skills that will help them achieve mastery in terms of effective communication, both in their professional career and private life.

They will learn the different stages of the processes and elements influencing the effectiveness of the communication process. Moreover, the course provides students with extensive information on different communication styles, which are the characteristic features of representatives of each communication style, and practical information on how to present an effective message to
representatives from each communication style.

Another part of the course deals with internal (communication in a team, employee communication) and external communication (marketing communication, outreach to the community) practices and their importance for success of an organization.

Upon completion of the course students will gain insight to the theory of communication in an interesting and readily applicable form for their professional career as well as private life. The aim is to master the principles of effective communication by realizing how the communication process works and what factors affect the result of the process. Students will learn how to communicate effectively by improving their writing as speaking skills.

The students will also master the principles of effective internal communication in a team or an organization as well as gain insight into elementary principles of external communication and public relations. In terms of individual communication skills, the students will gain invaluable knowledge of the communication process. Students will be able to identify the differences between people who are representatives of different types of communication styles, and they will master an understanding of


In the Finance course, the participants will become familiar with the core principles of financial management, with different kinds of tools in financial management as well as methods for measuring and managing business performance.  

This course provides insight on the subject of finance from the point of view of non-financial managers. The world of finance is introduced from a highly practical point of view, which can be very well used not only in corporate financial management but also in management of personal finance.  

In the course of their studies the students will deepen their knowledge also in the sophisticated area of corporate finance and strategic financial management.  

Another important part of the course is dedicated to financial markets, their importance for healthy functioning of the economy and their segmentation.

Investing and making investment decisions will represent the last part of this comprehensive course. Students will become familiar with financial tools in the market, basic principles of investment decision making and basic methods for the evaluation of certain financial instruments. 

Upon completion of this course the students will have a comprehensive overview of the tools, methods and roles of financial management in a particular company as well as within the framework of business as a whole. They will master the tools of financial management and be able to use them in their professional practice.  

Human Resources

Human capital is one of the most important components of every organization and it reflects the quality of the organization’s management. Satisfied, effective and motivated employees represent one of the key factors of a successful HR management of an organization.

The course introduces students to the many areas where human resource management is present. After a brief introduction to the origins and definitions of HRM, the focus is on recruitment and selection methods and procedures. Then the students continue their studies in the area of adaptation and integration stages of HRM including training, education and potential career development of an employee.

The next part of the course deals with appraising and rewarding performance, which is essential for long-term HR planning. The core stages of the HR process are concluded with issues of resignation, retirement and succession planning.

The course deals also with the very current topic of working in teams, the pros and cons and practical case studies for making the teamwork effective. Students learn about different personality types and their interaction in a team, and how this interaction can be beneficial for the outcome of the teamwork.

In the course the students will acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge of HR skills and processes that will allow them to use them in their own personnel and management practice.

Intercultural Communication

The goal of this course is to provide the students with the theoretical and practical framework allowing them to analyze and acquire a deeper understanding of different cultures with which they may be confronted in their professional lives. The goal is also to draw their attention to potential issues and conflicts arising from the lack of knowledge and understanding of different cultures and possible solutions.


Management is one of the most important factors affecting the prosperity of all organizations. This course introduces concepts and management practices and functions of management. It covers the basic theories from the field of management. However, the goal is to learn the art of management and be able to use it in practice.

Attention will be focused on identifying and creating managerial skills that make allowances for the personality of the individual manager. The students are introduced to various styles of management and leadership as well as management structures that provide them with an overview and insight on the subject matter.

Change management is a vital part of every manager’s life today. It represents another part of this course. Different change strategies and interests of stakeholder groups are presented to students to prepare them for the inevitable process of change in their future managerial practices. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to view change as an opportunity instead of a threat.


Marketing is central to company success - and failure.  

This extensive Marketing course provides students with necessary theoretical knowledge, but a strong emphasis is placed also on the ability to perform marketing activities in practice. It is of utmost importance that students get a proper picture of what marketing actually is and what it is not to be able to think about the subject with the right perspective. 

At first, the basic concepts and definitions of marketing are introduced to gain basic understanding of the subject which is then further structured and developed. Students get to know the huge variety of marketing functions and their interconnectedness and complexity within the organization as well as the differences in marketing for different kinds of products / services.  

Marketing research as a method and tool for building a marketing strategy is another important part of the course. The students learn how to create a strategic marketing plan based on the results of the marketing research by determining the target market, identifying competitors and setting a marketing budget.  

Since marketing within the borders of a single country is a history in many cases – it is highly important to keep in mind the international environments affecting the marketing.  
It is not really possible to imagine marketing without marketing communications strategy - students will learn about different strategies and marketing communication tools of a company at the end of the course. 

Choose according to your desires and goals

Vámi vybrané kurzy s patnácti volitelných kurzy. CÍL: ZÍSKAT 18 KREDITŮ Z KURZŮ

Projektový Management - více

Strategický Management


Dodavatelský řetězec a Logistika

Finanční Management

Globální Marketing

Data Science

Krizové Řízení

Společenská odpovědnost firem

Plánování a rozvoj lidských zdrojů

Risk Management

IT Management and Kyberbezpečnost

Key Account Management

Odborné školení

Mimořádné volitelné předměty


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