
Apply for a Global Education Scholarship, and get 50% off the MBA! Only 1 scholarship spot is left in May. Read More.

Common Base

Improve in your current professional life and realize the potential of education.

Thorough training in the basic business disciplines

At LIGS University, we'll push you toward higher professional performance, increased diligence and motivation, and accelerated progress toward realizing the career of your dreams. Enter the MBA program with confidence and build up your career on solid business foundations. 


What awaits you at LIGS?

  • Opportunities to put industry knowledge into practice
  • A professional advantage that allows you to stand out in the market
  • Incorporating modern industry trends into your daily activities
  • Effective methods to avoid career stagnation

The common base is designed to kick-start your studies.

After joining LIGS University MBA program, firstly, you need to complete the Common Base Module, which will equip you with the basis for your further studies. For entering the specialization module, it is necessary to gain 18 credits by completing the common base first. 

The courses in the common base are the essentials for your business and career growth. It consists of Marketing, Management, Finance, Communication, Intercultural Communication and Human Resources. Our lecturers will introduce you to the principles behind these components. 

Combine academic insights and work experience while addressing current issues in your field.

Where can you find our students and alumni?

Our graduates work in middle and senior management, in the private and public sectors, in companies of all sizes and as entrepreneurs around the world.

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