Basic Module MBA
Content of Basic Module MBA
Basic Module provides a detailed comprehensive overview of the essential disciplines needed to run a company and maintain a profitable business.
Courses are the same for all students.

One of the most important factors affecting the prosperity of any organization.
This course provides an overview of the management discipline, including its key concepts, functions and practices. It addresses both theory and practical art of management. Key topics include: Management structures and styles; management theories; management styles; change management; leadership; and stakeholder management.

Corporate financial management and planning tools and strategies.
This course is designed as an intense introduction to the finance function for non-financial managers including concepts, functions and activities. Key topics include the finance function, financial statement and ratio analysis, financial strategies for organizations, and the financial markets.

Human Resources
Managing people is one of the core processes within the practice of a successful manager.
This course provides a review of the human capital management process as it manifests in the Human Resource function. Key topics include a review of HR history and role, recruitment and training, HR's role in management strategy, performance management and career development.

A compilation of knowledge from disciplines whose common theme is effective communication with the public.
This course provides the theories and practices that lead to effective communication between people and within organizations. Key topics include the communication process, strategic communication, communicating in organizations and communication management.

Marketing, in today's modern terms, stands and falls with customer relationships.
This course explores the theories and practices behind effective and strategic marketing for various sized organizations. Key topics include the theoretical grounding of marketing, marketing practices and functions, marketing across borders and cultures and emerging techniques in marketing.

Intercultural Communication
Communication across cultural boundaries
This course explores the theoretical frameworks and practical strategies for communicating across cultural boundaries. Key topics include the basis for cultural communication and sensitivity, impact of the international environment on communication and developing communication strategies across cultures.

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